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Amazon has more than 310 million active customers that use the platform every day. The opportunity for brands is unmatched, making it more crucial than ever to provide a positive customer experience. So, when something goes amiss, brands often turn to Amazon's support for help. Yet, the experience isn’t always seamless or reliable. Continue reading for advice to get the best results when submitting an Amazon support ticket.

Amazon Support Ticket
Amazon Support Ticket

Tip 1: Provide as Much Documentation as Possible

Before submitting your Amazon support ticket, collect all the documentation your team has available. For example, collect screenshots, emails, and customer questions or complaints. This will help better communicate the issue and create a sense of urgency.

Tip 2: Always Remind Your Representative of the Customer Experience  

Amazon prides itself on being a customer-centric company. So, when expressing your concern or issue, be sure to connect it back to the customer experience. Identify how the customer is affected to emphasize why your ticket needs to be addressed.

Tip 3: Refer to Past Support Tickets if Possible

We recommend keeping a record of your support tickets. This way, should you need reinforcement for a recurring issue, there will be something to reference. Providing proof of a previous resolution will also help support better understand what you're asking for.

Tip 4: Focus on Formatting 

While MPS doesn’t have a universal template that guarantees success each time, we do have some formatting best practices. To start, it’s important to be as thorough as possible and break down information in a digestible way. It’s best to use bullet points and Amazon-specific terminology. For example, identify products using ASINs instead of SKUs to save time and confusion. Another helpful step is to clearly label the subject of your case for your own internal organization. 

Tip 5: Perform Your Own Quality Checks 

Once your issue is declared resolved and before your ticket closes, it’s important to perform your own due diligence. Be sure to ask for screenshots as receipts and double-check for completion. It’s possible changes haven’t been addressed to your satisfaction. This could potentially save your brand further time and frustration.

Tip 6:  Leverage Your Contact with Support 

The purpose of this blog post is to help brands achieve better results when submitting an Amazon support ticket. However, there is an opportunity beyond having your issue resolved. We recommend tapping into the resources in front of you. The teams at Marketplace Strategy gain a lot of insight from these conversations. So, ask meaningful questions and for your representative to elaborate on relevant topics.  

Also, if needed, support is available over the phone. There is also an option to provide your own number to be contacted. Depending on the complexity of the task at hand, it may make sense to communicate this way.

Tip 7: Don’t Be Shy and Try Again 

In the case of Amazon support, if at first, you don’t succeed, try again. Persistence and repetition are often necessary to get the desired outcome. There are many variables that can affect the response brands receive. Try not to get discouraged, and don’t forget to be polite. Kindness goes a long way and can help expedite the process.  

For brands that don’t work with a strategic partner, Amazon’s support is a next step to resolve pressing issues. But, it doesn’t come without challenges. At Marketplace Strategy (MPS), we work alongside our clients’ teams and facilitate tickets so they don’t have to worry. 
If you could use the support of a strategic partner, schedule a free consultation. And as always, feel free to ask questions, we’re here to help.

Amazon Support Ticket


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