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The best way to showcase different product lines is through an Amazon Storefront, now commonly referred to as just Stores. It’s a free way to represent your products and increase brand integrity if optimized correctly. We share a high-level overview answering questions on how to get started and why it’s important. Here, we will drill into some of the key benefits of Amazon Stores.

1. Use mobile to your advantage  

The experience that Amazon Stores provide on mobile is significantly enhanced from the previous AMS Brand Pages. Ensure that consumers enjoy shopping for your products on their smartphones or tablets by using features like a preview before launch. This is especially important because 40% of users will opt for a competitor if they have a poor mobile experience.

2. Access more customization

Rather than fitting the mold of an AMS Brand Page, choose from three templates that give you the freedom to make it your own. Choose your Amazon Store’s URL, add multimedia assets, and captivate shoppers with stunning images. It’s up to you to make the most of the real estate you have.

3. Communicate more effectively

If you’ve chosen Amazon as a place to share your products with the world, you’ve likely dedicated significant resources to your website. View your Amazon Store as an extension of your website and harness that same power and more. This is a place where you can teach consumers about your products and encourage them to share with their own networks.  

4. Take control of the customer experience

You have the power over which product listings your customers get to see. For example, if you want to push certain products, you can make sure they have prime visibility. But, if you’d rather Amazon Stores do the work for you, it has the insight to put the smartest listings forward.

The Amazon Store is a wonderful tool to boost sales, reputation, and presence on Amazon. It’s important to focus on what matters and use this feature to its advantage. Using it to the best of its ability to deliver the results you want isn’t always as easy as you’d hope. We’re here to help you optimize your Amazon Storefront and serve as your resource.


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