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Wonder Media Network highlights under-represented voices and showcases a variety of podcasts, specifically in the categories of politics, business, and culture. Where can brands fit in and how can they align their values within these podcasts? MISSION-FOCUSED CONTENT Brands now have the opportunity to align with new, culturally relevant and topical podcasts in a seamless way. Wonder Media Network is focused on telling the stories we seldom hear, about characters throughout history who we often miss. While many of the titles are political in nature, there are many opportunities for brands to partner with them without “picking a side.” These podcasts represent both women and people of color, discussing many important issues about the upcoming election, women in government, and issues like climate change and equality. Many brands have shared core values that are reflected in these messages, whether it’s sustainability, encouraging people to vote (no matter which side), or supporting equality and diversity. podcast_advertising_image OUR TAKE CodeAudio believes that aligning your brand with a message that is true to the core values of your company is extremely impactful. Something we love about Wonder Media is the opportunity for brands to be a part of the solution, giving listeners a tangible action item. One example of this can be seen in a new podcast coming out this fall, called As She Rises, which highlights the effects of climate change. Each episode will feature a different poet from around the world, with each poet personalizing and contextualizing the magnitude of climate change in their region. The second part of each episode will inform listeners on current local efforts to combat climate change, and provides them with resources and information on things they can do to help support the cause. As societal issues are more prominent in day to day life, this is an opportunity for brands to not just say they are supporting a cause, but to be part of the solution and the change needed to make a difference. Consumers are looking for brands that back up their words with actions. If your brand is looking to showcase their core values and align with content that is dedicated to making a difference in the world, please contact Lizzy Glazer at to learn more.


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