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According to 2021 data from Snap Inc., the Snapchat app has 306 million daily users. If you aren't taking advantage of the app for your marketing efforts, you're missing out on a substantial potential audience for your brand. In this guide, we review the basics of Snapchat advertising and provide a primer to get you started on the platform. 

Why invest in Snapchat advertising? 

Snapchat advertising connects you directly with an engaged audience, expanding awareness, leads, and conversions for your brand. The app's ad platform makes it easy to encourage users to take action with impactful, immersive full-screen ads. Captivating Snapchat users can drive meaningful results for your brand. A recent report by Harvard Business Review associated augmented reality ads like those available on Snapchat with a 94% higher conversion rate than non-AR ads.

Who uses Snapchat?

Snapchat provides your brand a direct line to 75% of millennials and members of Generation Z. These generations represent a new kind of shopper, one who prefers taking advantage of the latest tech to shopping in a brick-and-mortar store. In 2020, Snap Inc reported that users of its app check in no less than 30 times a day on average. 

How can I target my ads with Snapchat?

In today's era of discovery commerce, Snapchat provides the tools you need to connect with buyers where they spend time online. You can narrow down your ad audience by demographics, location, special interests, and even type of device. Just a few of the unique capabilities you'll find on the platform include:

  • Snap Audience Match: Upload your existing customer lists and target those customers on Snapchat.
  • Lookalike Audiences: Target Snapchatters similar to your existing customers.
  • Mobile App Custom Audiences: Reach Snapchatters who have already engaged with your app.
  • Pixel Custom Audiences: Reach Snapchatters who have already engaged with your website.

These features take the guesswork out of Snapchat targeting, even if you're completely new to advertising on the platform.

How does budgeting work for Snapchat advertising?

You can launch your Snapchat ad campaign for just $5 per day. The platform supports spend caps as well as both daily and lifetime budgets, so it's easy to manage your spending on this channel.

What types of ads are available on Snapchat?

You can select from a diverse array of ads to complement and support your brand and product objectives:

  • Full-screen single-image and video ads: You can connect Snapchat users to any uploaded attachment with a simple swipe-up action.
  • Story ads: With these branded tiles, you can generate excitement around your brand on the app's Discover tab. Story ads consist of between three and 20 single images or videos your audience can swipe through to explore your products and services.
  • Collection ads: Showcase multiple products with these four tappable tiles. Collection ads remove the friction from the purchase process to boost your conversions.
  • Commercials:  Appearing within Snap's curated content, commercials can comprise up to three minutes of video. Users cannot skip the first six seconds.
  • Filter ads: These branded overlays can be applied to any Snap by swiping left or right. You can connect with users in real-time as they visit neighborhoods, parks, restaurants, and shops. Filters are also ideal for special holiday promotions.
  • Lenses and augmented reality experiences: These powerful new technologies offer memorable moments for Snapchatters to interact with and share. In our own research, client ads are twice as effective when they use AR, with a reach increase of 31% associated with ads that use branded Lenses.

In addition to traditional ad formats, Snapchat allows you to get started with shoppable ads. 

How can I measure the success of my Snapchat ad campaign?

The Snap Pixel collects information on actions taken on your website and helps advertisers measure campaign impact. You can also use this proprietary tool to track conversion and collect data you can use to optimize your campaigns.  Some of the best features of Snap Pixel include:

  • Measuring direct response goals, including but not limited to product sales, subscriptions, leads, and conversions across devices with data that goes beyond a single session or device.
  • Optimizing campaigns for conversion events such as purchases that occur through your website
  • Reconnecting with Snapchat users who have already interacted with your website

How can my brand make the most of Snap ads?

We recommend the following best practices and tips for success on Snapchat:

  • Focus your efforts on the first two seconds of a video ad, with a strong, eye-catching call-to-action on your opening frame. The immediate impression can make or break your ad performance. Make your Snap Ad five seconds or less for maximum impact.
  • Keep ads creative and concise with a clear key message. Ads should mirror the bite-sized and linear storytelling of Snaps to create an organic, friction-free user experience.
  • Choose a format that suits your objective. Your campaign might demand a 5-second video narrative, a GIF-like looping animation, a still with audio, 
  • Present your offering with strong branding so viewers immediately understand your value proposition. 
  • Do not overlook sound; 60% of Snapchat users browse with the volume on, so encourage emotional engagement with a voiceover or music. For example, use voiceover calls to action to entice the viewer to swipe up.

If you're ready to take your Snapchat advertising efforts to the next level, connect with the team at Code3. We have the knowledge and expertise to help you exceed your campaign goals through Snap and other interactive online channels. Check out our work with Tractor Beverage to get inspired by real client results with Snapchat, then schedule your Code3 consultation.


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