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Each year, the teams at Code3 curate platform-specific information and strategic tactics and house them in one place. The end result is a comprehensive guide that spans more than 10 platforms across our specialties; media, creative, and commerce. Our goal is not only to leverage this among our client teams but to provide those in our industry with a valuable resource. Within this guide, advertisers will have access to the knowledge necessary to succeed on relevant platforms and cross-reference their efforts. Continue reading for a preview of what Code3’s 2021 Platform Planning Guide includes and download a copy for yourself.

10+ Platforms

As mentioned, the Platform Planning Guide includes a dedicated section for more than 10 platforms. Each of which explains the specific platform’s capabilities in detail. Also, at the beginning of the guide, we share a snapshot of where each platform ranks in a variety of capabilities. Reach, targeting, measurement, and creative, for example. This can help your brand identify which platform is best suited to help you reach your goals. See a complete list of platforms below. 
  • Facebook 
  • Instagram 
  • Google 
  • Youtube
  • Amazon and Other Marketplaces 
  • Pinterest 
  • Snapchat 
  • Twitter 
  • LinkedIn 
  • TikTok
  • Programmatic (TTD)

Creative Best Practices and Specifications

From a creative perspective, we break down what's necessary to ensure your brand's advertising campaigns and presence on these platforms are top-notch. All sections include creative specification charts to ensure assets meet requirements. You will find a balance of high-level guidance and detailed direction around image ratios, text overlay limits, and more. See a sneak peek from the Pinterest section below. Platform Planning

Use Cases and Client Case Studies

To reinforce the information and suggestions shared in this guide are proven, each platform has an associated case study. The studies cover background details, an overview of the clients' challenges, our strategy, and of course, results. When applicable, campaign creative is available to provide an idea of what brands can expect when they work with Code3. See an example from the Snapchat section below Snapchat

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

The final teaser we'll share in this blog post is that each section includes at least three frequently asked questions and answers. To make certain the information shared is valuable and relevant, we leveraged insight from real-life client conversations. See a sneak peek from the Amazon and Other Marketplaces section below Amazon

Download a Copy Today

We encourage you to download a copy of our 2021 Platform Planning Guide for yourself and your teams. When you do so, you will unlock a wealth of knowledge, considerations, and strategic tips. You will find strategic tips that can be applied immediately along as well as considerations for long-term plans.  If you have any questions specific to this post or your brand’s digital marketing presence, please get in touch.


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