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One of the many ways in which Amazon is revolutionizing retail is by changing the game from one of the relationships and handshakes into one of knowledge and strategy.

For decades, success in retail has depended upon precious shelf space and being in the good graces of the retailers themselves.

Amazon has changed all that by creating a platform that’s no longer about who you know, but how good you are at what you do.

It’s seen across almost every product category: little-known brands appearing right alongside major national ones in non-branded search results on Amazon. Simply because the little guys knew the levers to pull to get them there, and thereby have an equal opportunity to earn market share alongside their behemoth competitors.

What this means is, every brand – regardless of your brand’s size and name recognition – needs a strategic approach to Amazon.

If this is new territory for you and your organization, have no fear – we’ve got something you ought to read.

Our white paper, “7 Essential Vendor Strategies for Crushing Amazon Revenue” outlines seven steps your team can take today to begin maximizing your impact on Amazon.

It outlines the fundamental strategies every organization needs to be incorporating into their Amazon presence to compete and not fall behind on the channel.

Check it out and let us know what you think!

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