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No matter the category, Amazon is competitive and only growing more cutthroat by the day.

As brands become savvier on the platform, and hordes of white-labeled products ship in from overseas, those who come out on top will be the brands that truly understand how success is attained on the ever-changing platform.

There is increasingly complex strategy behind it all, and those that waste precious resources optimizing product descriptions and changing bids with little knowledge of proven best practices are already losing to those doing it right.

Many of the brands truly excelling on Amazon and gaining market share over competition have a hidden advantage: an Amazon-focused partner -- a highly educated and skilled team they rely on to maximize opportunity on the channel.

While a company may turn to a team of experts for any number of reasons, here are some telltale signs your organization may benefit from an Amazon partner:


  1. You can’t keep up with Amazon’s constantly changing platform

Amazon is a technology company first, and changes to its platforms can seem to happen at light speed. From incentivized review bans, black lists, Andon cord, or suspension policies, part of attaining and maintaining success on Amazon is staying ahead of the game.

And while reading blogs and attending webinars might be able to keep brands informed on some of the most recent changes, these educational resources can’t implement the work required to navigate that change.

A pillar of our approach at MPS is to always be researching and staying up to date on trends and changes within the platform to ensure our clients remain a step ahead of the competition.


  1. You don’t have the bandwidth to constantly optimize and manage ads

Managing a fully functioning, successful AMS account can be time-consuming, especially to keep it optimized for maximum coverage and return on ad spend.

MPS has developed a proven process that allows us to intelligently refine keywords by category and adjust bids to optimum prices, allowing our clients to spend less time tinkering, and more time growing their brand.


  1. Constant catalog management is claiming large amounts of your day

Whether a company offers 10 or 100,000 SKUs, managing a catalog on Amazon can lead to an array of frustrating issues. Being able to hand these day-to-day hiccups off to experts allows organizations to focus on more important tasks affecting the business’s overall growth.

Furthermore, companies with frequent product launches often require a partner that can focus on ensuring the process is accurate and complete. There are applications and software services to assist in this process, but in an unpredictable platform like Amazon, a human eye is often vital to ensuring accuracy and success.


  1. You’ve spent very little time on Amazon before, and as a result, your presence is mess.

At MPS, we frequently meet (and work) with consumer brands whose presence on Amazon is dominated by third party sellers, representing the brands in a less-than-flattering light. Cleaning up this mess (and maintaining the work you’ve done) mandates hours upon hours of research and Amazon-specific tedium -- something many organizations are ill-equipped to handle in-house.

Even for those with experience in the platform, navigating Amazon alone is a daunting task. Yet, the opportunity is significant, and with so much on the line and so much to do, a partner with the existing skill-set, experience, knowledge, and expertise can often be the most efficient and successful way to quickly grow and thrive on Amazon.


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