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All businesses depend on or generate large amounts of data in one way or another. What you do with your data is one of the most important parts of your business. 

Not only do businesses collect data from multiple sources, but they also need to house it and then be able to quickly see performance, insights, and conduct analyses. This means that you need an efficient process and systems to make all this happen – if you don’t, data can get lost in the shuffle and you lose time and valuable resources trying to sort through it all. 

Do you have the right analytics dashboards in place, and efficient automation to make the most out of your data? Read to find out Code3’s top recommendations. 

Why You Need an Automated Reporting Solution 

Code3’s analytics team works with businesses of every size to understand the brand’s data needs and implement a custom data reporting system. This means that we have a deep understanding of what kinds of automation processes are out there and how to find the best solution to suit each business’s data needs. 

But first, why do you need automated reporting for your data? Having an automated data and reporting solution does several things:

  • Eliminates the need to re-pull information from individual sources.
  • Allows for easy access to information across multiple data sources.
  • Allows for highly customizable performance and insights visualizations that cater to multiple audiences.
  • Gives you the ability to conduct advanced analyses.

When you implement automated reporting, you give more power to your data and to your business. 


Code3’s Approach to Reporting

When constructing Code3’s Standard Reporting Insights Dashboards, Code3’s goal is to onboard any new client and have at least 95% of all their reporting needs met with the Standard Reporting Insights Dashboards. In practice, Code3 hits at least 99% of clients’ reporting needs. 

This is accompanied by a deep dive analysis into all current and past clients’ reporting and researching the industry to determine the best way to consolidate all possible needed data into a single hub. This method provides clear, easy-to-use performance and insight visualizations. 

Here’s a breakdown of some of our analytics dashboards and how they’d look for your business: 

The Individual Dashboards

  • Executive Summary: With a default view of total media, but has dynamical filters to filter by platform, channel, campaign, creative, ad group, etc.
  • Channel Summary & Channel Drill Down: Every media channel has its own channel dashboard.
  • Pacing: At the total media and campaign levels.
  • Google Analytics (For Code3's help setting up Google Anlaytics, see here).

All Analytics Dashboards

  • Are ‘in-flight’ and real-time.
  • Have dynamical calendar, metric, and KPI filters, for complete access to different cuts of the data.
  • Can be exported to PDF, PNG, PPT, or CSV (and/or automatically scheduled to do so).
  • Link-Shared.
  • Have a FAQ, Q&A, and Help Portal available for any/all questions with reporting and analytics (data dictionary, etc.).
  • Have 5-7 Insight Bots.


Insight Bots

The dashboards come with 5-7 Insight Bots (and additional ones can be set up) to automatically go through the data and generate insights. For every media channel that you run with Code3, you get the Standard Reporting Insights Dashboards for that channel for free - including training on the dashboards. Here’s an example:

Implementation of New Client Dashboard

Here’s a look at Code3’s process for implementing new client dashboards.


Code3’s standard timeline for Dashboard creation is 10 business days. This timeline is subject to change based on specific client nuances and/or customizable outputs requested. This process cannot start until access to required platforms and accounts are verified, and once certain information is obtained: 

Requirements From Client

  • Attribution windows for conversion data for each platform
  • Emails of people who should receive access to the dashboards

Requirements From Code3

  • Standardize campaign naming conventions
  • Internal user IDs to provide access to the dashboards
  • Internal automated scheduled reporting cadences
  • Internal insight bots: 5-7 based on primary KPIs

10-Day Approach

  • Day 1: Receive completed Org Profile Template
  • Day 2-3: Verify access, validate inputs (naming conventions, etc.)
  • Day 4-5: Setup and harmonize all data streams
  • Day 6-9: Create dashboards and QA/audit all reporting
  • Day 10: Publish, Training, and Provide Internal Access 
  • Dashboard Launch - Provide External Client Access

Custom Dashboards and Advanced Analytics

Code3’s Standard Reporting Insights Dashboards aim to cover all of your reporting needs. However, if it doesn’t, Code3’s Performance & Analytics (P&A) team can analyze your analytics dashboard and find a custom solution that fits. We’d then see if that solution is something that we can incorporate into all the Standard Reporting Insights Dashboards (and therefore, not be considered custom and still free) because it would also benefit many other clients, or if it was something truly unique to your brand. 

Often, clients think they need a custom dashboard built, and it turns out that the solution is something that can be added to the existing Standard Reporting Insights Dashboards. However, Code3’s P&A team can build whatever view or report is needed. 

Once you have an automated reporting dashboard, you give both your business and your analytics team at Code3 much more power to understand and act on your data. With performance and insights automated, Code3’s P&A team can focus on advanced analytics for your brand, such as attribution, MMM/MTA, and more, so you can take your marketing to the next level. 

Ready to get your own automated analytics dashboard? Contact Code3's Performance and Analytics team to get started. 



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