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We love a good ad campaign, no matter where it comes from. The best ads make us laugh, cry, think, or all of the above. Of course, a truly great ad will make us fall in love with a brand and have to learn more.

There's no formula for what makes an ad great, and some ads we love at the moment don't withstand the test of time. Even so, there were so many ads throughout this year that warmed our hearts, made us laugh, or inspired us in some way. As marketers, great ads help us stay motivated. As people, can't resist a well-told story. 

Check out our favorite ads of 2022 and why our Code3 staff thought they deserved a place on our list. 

The Best Ads of 2022 (Other Than Our Own, of Course)

We asked our team to name their favorite ads of the year. Read about each one below and why we think it deserves a shoutout. 

Beats by Dre

"I love this spot because there are so many undertones of the values we hold dear in our company and in our daily lives β€” vulnerability, transparency, and mutual growth. In under 50 seconds, Beats uses emotional themes to create affinity for the speaker and the brand, and the symbolism is not missed as the sound grows richer over time. Chef's kiss." – Shalanna Clark, Head of Marketing

DoorDash (Maximum Effort, Autodesk, Ring, and Deloitte)


β€œIt was unexpected and surprising! It just worked and was so fun to watch β€˜live’ again and again on social.” – Lauren Turner, Social Director I

Hooked on Phonics

"This ad plays on nostalgia and has a humorous take on outdated advertising, refreshing a well-known product for a generation who grew up on seeing these ads and are now parents themselves." – Chandler Warrick, Ad Ops Specialist

Southern Comfort 

Use this link to view!


"'Nothing says tasteful like a round of shots' is like the equivalent of a jingle getting stuck in your head. Not that it makes me want to drink SoCo (it doesn't) but it's a fun commercial that has made me look up a few times. The guy is in this goofy SoCo outfit and flipping that it's a party liquor but also, a sophisticated, refined, liquor as well, that you can find in a nice cocktail." – Rachael Ossovicki, Search Advertising Strategist

Farmer's Dog


"This ad from farmers dog was my fave! It had so many likes and views and people in the comments were even saying things like 'I don't own a dog but had to watch this whole video' or 'I didn't realize it was an ad until the end!' Loved it." – Julieta Sole, Social Media Activation Specialist

Do you have favorite ads or campaigns you want us to know about? Reach out on LinkedIn, Instagram, or Twitter to let us know! Or if you're interested in learning how you can work with Code3, contact us here. 



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