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Amazon DSP's Audience Reports

We’ve previously shared how to measure the success of Amazon DSP campaigns on the Marketplace Strategy (MPS) blog. To dial further into this subject, this post will cover Amazon DSP's audience reports at a high level. Continue reading to learn more about how they’re used and why they matter.

The Audience Segmentation Report

Amazon DSP’s Audience Segmentation Report is used to show the performance of each audience an advertiser is targeting. It’s important to note the Audience Segmentation Report is only available when campaigns deliver impressions. 

Brands often use the report to answer the following questions: 

1. How are audiences directly targeted performing?

2. How are audiences not directly targeted performing?

Below is a list of metrics available through the Audience Segmentation Report: 

  • Spend
  • Impressions 
  • Clicks 
  • Branded Searches 
  • Product Detail Page Views 
  • Add to Carts 
  • Purchases 

This information allows advertisers to better optimize and target the appropriate audiences. Based on what the data shows, brands can choose to target an audience or exclude them. For example, if an audience requires more spend and doesn't drive significant activity, it could be excluded from the targeting pool. Or, if the audience is of better quality and is driving positive metrics, it should be included.

The Audience Overlap Report 

One particularly interesting element of the Audience Segmentation report is the Audience Overlap Report. It can be run at any time, even when campaigns aren't delivering results. It can be used to understand the relationships between a brand's target audience and other audiences on Amazon. 

The overlap report provides an audience size and affinity index (or efficiency indicator) for audiences not currently being targeted. This is useful when trying to understand which complementary audiences it may be worth targeting. 

For example, if an advertiser wants to gain share from a competitor, targeting shoppers that view the competitor’s product can be effective. But it can be costly since this audience may already be targeted by the competitor. Using the overlap report can provide insight into other ancillary audiences on Amazon that are likely to buy a competitor product. Targeting these audiences can be a more efficient way to gain share.

Why do Amazon DSP's Audience Reports Matter? 

Amazon DSP audience reports are valuable tools for brands and advertisers to make informed decisions on targeting strategy. Data shared through these reports make it possible to have greater insight over these efforts.

These reports allow brands to gain share from competitors without going head-to-head or overspending. But, they can also be used to dive into complimentary traffic. So, brands can use the data available through these reports to expand reach into a related category and target high-funnel audiences.

Advertising on Amazon is likely to become more complex and the knowledge of how to navigate campaigns is crucial. If your brand could use the support of a strategic partner, schedule a free consultation. And as always, we’re here to answer any questions

Amazon DSP's Audience Reports

Image Credit: Forbes


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