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Now that the e-commerce holiday rush is in full swing, e-commerce brands are in the mode of finding out what’s left to prepare. In this blog post, we share some of the last-minute details brands can address to make the most of these final days. Continue reading for strategic direction and to ensure your brand is in the best position to take on the upcoming peak season.

Provide an Omnichannel Experience 

We’ve expressed the importance of providing an omnichannel experience for shoppers, and as the e-commerce industry evolves, it's even more crucial. The customer experience during the holiday season can heavily influence a brand's performance for the year. 

So, we recommend ensuring your customers have a seamless and cohesive experience whether shopping in-store, online, or in-app.

Studies show an omnichannel strategy causes consumers to spend more and visit the store more often. A good place for brands to start is prioritizing consumer data, advertising, and mobile experience.

Consider Historical Data 

Before the e-commerce holiday rush takes over, spend time looking through past campaigns. Data from either the holidays, Prime Day, or another peak season can tell a valuable story. Doing so will allow your brand to determine what to try again, and what strategies to do without. 

e-commerce holiday rush
E-commerce Holiday Rush

While evaluating historical performance, consider the competitive landscape and how it has changed. If new competitors have entered the space, consider how to put your brand in a position to win.

Personalize Your Advertising 

The holiday season inundates consumers with even more advertisements and deals to consider. In fact, Americans are served more than 4,000 ads every day. So, personalization can be a game-changer for brands that use it to their advantage. 

When developing your brand’s Amazon advertising strategy, consider using a healthy mix of both search and programmatic display. This way, your reach extends across the funnel and you can use a variety of tactics to target your audience. For example, DSP allows brands to include customer reviews and a custom image, as well as target in-market and demographic audiences. These elements often help ads connect with people on a deeper level and feel less invasive.

Leveraging both advertising options on Amazon also makes it possible to reach customers at any stage of their buying journey and target based on behaviors.

Target Audiences Wisely 

When brands implement the recommendations listed above, they’re better able to target audiences. Inexperienced brands and retailers often use any tactic possible to reach the largest number of people. As a result, they see little return for their efforts. 

Whether your brand sees the best results using lifestyle, in-market, product view, or custom audiences, Amazon Advertising’s programmatic DSP platform creates the opportunity to leverage each to its fullest potential. 

Consider the products you’re promoting, the timeframe, and the ideal buyer when building out these campaigns. Then, document the results and use them at a later date to incorporate into your strategy.

Although the holidays are here, there are still steps brands can take to improve how well this season goes. If you have any questions about targeting audiences on Amazon or how to best prepare for the holidays, let us know. We’re here to help.

e-commerce holiday rush


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