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The holidays already? Q3 is here and consumer brands are already ramping up their e-commerce marketing strategies in plans to deck the halls on their websites, social media, and general digital presence. Just as important, though, is your Amazon Creative strategy; according to eMarketer’s latest forecast, Amazon now has nearly 50% of US e-commerce market.

Overall, always optimize all of your content (titles, descriptions, etc.) and creative assets (product images, store, A+ pages and/or enhanced brand content (EBC)) to consistently represent your brand’s best qualities, and clearly compliment and bring attention to your product’s best features. Optimizing your product pages is never a one-and-done deal, though, it is an ongoing process in keeping up with trends and seasonality.

Follow these 4 guidelines to optimize your Amazon creative assets to not only get ahead of the holiday rush but also keep your consumers in mind throughout the year.

Make Sure You Have the Basics Covered:

Use dimensional, high-quality photography of all sides of your product in and outside of its packaging. Utilize highly visual content across all of your Amazon creative avenues (product images, store, A+, etc.) by incorporating lifestyle imagery, iconography, simplistic text callouts, slogans and phrases to create a demonstrative and emotional experience to connect the consumer to your products. Give consumers multiple reasons to buy your product, putting your trustworthy and quality brand at the forefront. (See translating your brand for more information)


Separate your product from the pack by including simplistic callouts in the main product image.

Lifestyle Product Image:

A+ Page:

Features Callout Image: (Baggallini):

­­Focus on Brand Awareness & Consistency:

Drawing as much attention to your brand’s reputation and best qualities sets you apart from your competitors and shows consumers why they need to buy your product over another. Create branded product images and A+ Page/EBC modules to span across all of your products. Keep your website and your Amazon store on the same track as far as marketing and design. These tactics will not only create brand awareness, but also consistency across your catalog. In best practice, the design of all of your content should be consistent across the board and represent the voice and tone of all your products and your brand. Utilize existing assets, themes, and marketing strategies from your website and social media to help keep you consistent across your digital platforms.


Branded Product Image:


Amazon Store compared to the brand's website:

Revamp for the Holidays:

With guides 1 and 2 in mind, your Amazon creative assets should be ever changing and keeping up with the day to day trends and seasonality. First and foremost, the holiday season is your main focus. In 2017, Amazon dominated 50% of all online Black Friday Sales. Redesign your imagery utilizing seasonal/holiday settings and phrases. Add images which show how the product can be given as a gift or used in a holiday setting (like a holiday feast). Overall, consider the consumers experience with your page and how your creative assets can push compelling content and be the deciding factor in their final purchase decision.


Christmas Focus:

Snow Focus:

Great Gift:

Christmas Background:

Keeping Up with the Times:

Throughout the year continually consider your consumer and how they interact with your product pages. Think about the holidays throughout the year or seasonality aspects or occasions you can focus your creative on to help increase conversion rates. Make sure to fully utilize all the product images spots available to your product category. Create images that include more of your products in a setting to encourage the consumer to “complete the set” or buy your complementing products.



Back to School:

Complete the Set:

Complete the Set:

Gifts for Baby:

Gifts for the Bride & Groom:

Gifts for Mom:


Interested in optimizing your account before the holiday rush? Contact us today, we can help. Want to read more about creative best practices? Download our guide below.



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