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Amazon’s Automated Title Services (ATS) generates product titles based on a product's details. It considers backend attributes such as the product’s name, model number, color, size, flavor, and more. Because of this, it’s important for these attributes to be updated regularly. 

The purpose of ATS is to create consistency by streamlining titles throughout the marketplace. But, over the years, ATS was sporadically enforced in select categories. In 2020, MPS strategists have noticed a shift in how Automated Title Services operate. Continue reading for what brands need to know about ATS and how to ensure your strategy is aligned.

What’s New with Automated Title Services?

In the past, it was difficult to discern when ATS would create titles for products. Now, ATS is being enforced on a more regular basis and in most categories. Below are the categories we have observed to be most affected by the increase in ATS enforcement.

  • Arts, Crafts, & Sewing
  • Clothing, Shoes, & Jewelry
  • Home & Kitchen 
  • Lawn & Garden 
  • Lighting
  • Security 
  • Sport & Outdoors 
  • Tools & Home Improvement
  • Toys & Games 

Impact of ATS on MPS Clients 

Now that ATS is more prevalent, strong content and technical strategies are critical. This includes creating properly optimized titles that follow Amazon's guidelines. Also, product attributes need to be relevant and consistently updated. Otherwise, brands can run into a slew of problems.

For example, if ATS detects duplicate keywords, repetitions will be removed. And if the service suspects guideline violations, it may pull content from other backend attributes. This is another reason product attributes should be fully built-out ahead of time.

In either case, titles can go live with words missing from the brand’s custom submission. This negatively impacts the customer because titles could be confusing. And, it can damage the brand's reputation or the product's success. Finally, ATS can reject titles and even suppress listings if recommendations aren't followed. 

Strategic Recommendations

First, it’s important to understand ATS and its implications if guidelines aren’t followed. These can be found within the Vendor Central Resource Center. Through this awareness, it’s possible to optimize titles and incorporate keywords in such a way that will be approved by ATS. 

To accommodate guidelines and adapt to inconsistencies, MPS strategists typically create two title options. One is a traditionally optimized title and the other is optimized for ATS. The traditional title is usually submitted first, while the latter is used as a back up should it be rejected by ATS. While optimizing titles, there is currently flexibility within the ‘Item Type’ attribute. We use this as an opportunity to include additional keywords, features, or benefits. Being proactive saves our clients time and allows products to be listed faster regardless of which title is approved.

Again, there are some inconsistencies based on a product’s situation. If a product is under a Display Parent Model (DPM), all products within that variation will be assigned the same title. The title won’t change as a shopper toggles through the variations. This creates the need for a general title that encompasses the parent and child ASINs. With that said, it’s beneficial to create a title for all child ASINs because they’re reflected when the item is added to a cart. 

This development is still relatively new and we expect it to continue to evolve in the coming weeks. For now, it’s important to be aware and knowledgeable of what ATS is and how it can affect your listings. If you could use the support of a strategic partner, schedule a free consultation. And as always, we’re here to answer any questions about your Amazon presence. 


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