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brand analytics
Brand Analytics

Amazon has officially rolled out its new reporting platform for Vendor Central, Brand Analytics. It will replace ARA Premium, and ARA basic for those that are Brand Registered. Now, data will be more accessible and allow brands to strategize more efficiently. More importantly, enhanced reporting will now be more attainable for brands that previously didn’t opt to pay the fees for ARA Premium. Here we share our observations and the differences brands can expect when their dashboards update to Brand Analytics.

ARA Basic 

Our clients that are Brand Registered and have been using ARA Basic were automatically upgraded to Brand Analytics this morning. Now, these clients have far more data readily available to help them in their pursuits on the channel. 

For example, ARA Basic brands can now leverage historical sales, search terms reports, and brand loyalty reports, which all were previously limited to Premium subscribers. Below are screenshots of the interface before and after the upgrade.

ARA Basic and Brand Analytics

ARA Premium 

It appears Brand Analytics also will replace ARA Premium. All of the same data is available (although the ‘Repeat Purchase Behavior’ report has been renamed the ‘Brand Loyalty Report’.) Below are screenshots of the interface before and after the upgrade.

ARA Premium and Brand Analytics

The Importance of Brand Registry

Brands using ARA Basic that aren’t Brand Registered stand more to gain than ever by enrolling in Brand Registry in gaining access to Brand Analytics. Without Brand Registry, brands will continue to be limited to ARA basic. We’ve outlined the importance of Brand Registry before, and we continue to recommend brands enroll to take advantage of current and future benefits. 

This update will be a game-changer for brands that didn’t have access to ARA Premium before this update. Brands that already used ARA Premium can enjoy the cleaner interface and continue to utilize the reporting that they have come to rely on in the past. Since Amazon negotiations are currently in process for many brands, this is one less piece that will need to be discussed.

If you could use the support of a strategic partner or want to better understand the level of reporting that is available to you within Vendor Central, schedule a free consultation. And as always, we’re here to answer any questions

Vendor Central Reporting


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