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At Marketplace Strategy (MPS), our design strategists often employ a method for main product images learned from the University of Cambridge. On the required white background for a product's main image, MPS includes attractive call-outs.

image requirements

They’re simple, clean, and typically are intended to provide a service for the consumer by clearly outlining a product’s pack size, color, flavor, or dimensions. This tactic also helps products stand out in the search results and accelerate a purchase decision. 

However, using Cambridge-style images can lead to challenges during Amazon's approval process. Using any text is against Amazon’s image requirements, but usually, Cambridge-style images are approved without issue. With this said, it appears Amazon may begin to crack down on enforcing main image requirements and suppress ASINs using Cambridge-style images.

What to be Aware of When Using Cambridge Style Images 

Products using this image style have recently run into the following roadblocks: 

  • Products becoming ineligible for advertising
  • Variations are unable to be created
  • Full image libraries are removed (giving access to third-party reseller contributions)
  • Product suppression

Historically, approvals of Cambridge-style images haven’t been a consistent issue. But it has become more prevalent over the last few weeks across categories.

Shifting Your Design Approach 

Recent conversations with Amazon vendor managers support the speculation we’ve heard elsewhere. And moving forward, MPS will adapt many of our clients’ strategies until we know more. 

Our approach will vary based on catalog size, advertising strategy, and volume of Cambridge-style images currently in use. Here are a few options to consider if your brand is concerned about possible repercussions.

  • Move Cambridge-style images to the second slot in the image library 
  • Remove Cambridge-style images altogether 
  • Shift to only a small pack size callout in the upper corners of the product image 

MPS Perspective

As mentioned, the go-forward strategy for our clients will vary based on a number of factors. And it’s important to reiterate definite suppression of ASINs using Cambridge-style images is speculation at this point. But considering what our client teams have observed, it’s realistic to believe it may begin happening across all categories. 

This is something to keep in mind for your brand’s existing strategy as well as future plans. If you could use the support of a strategic partner, schedule a free consultation. And as always, we’re here to answer any questions.

image requirements


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