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Over the past week, Amazon sellers and our client teams noticed an important addition to the Seller Central platform. Because of this, there has been a shift in the future of how sellers can communicate with consumers. In this blog post, we explain what we know about Amazon’s Request a Review feature and why it matters.

What Does Amazon’s Request a Review Feature Do? 

Brands that operate within Seller Central in both the United States and China now have access to Amazon’s Request a Review Feature. Sellers can find this button under the Order Details section. Each transaction requires the seller to manually click the button. 

Another development with this new feature is the removal of customer contact information from the Order Details section. However, messaging customers will likely remain a capability in some form, especially for brands that are fulfilled by merchant (FBM). But we expect Amazon to become stricter with how this messaging can be used. Should this new feature be met with enthusiasm and adoption, we expect it to roll out to more markets.

Why Change the Customer Experience? 

Although the customer experience is always changing, Amazon has the customer's best interest in mind. This change will protect consumers from illegitimate sellers that abuse third-party messaging tools. For example, sellers will only be able to send customers one review request per transaction.

Why Does it Matter? 

Amazon’s Request a Review Feature has the potential to benefit both Amazon and its sellers. Before this feature rolled out, it was difficult for Amazon to track whether its messaging and review request regulations were being followed. Now, monitoring isn’t necessary and there is less risk for violations. 

From a seller's perspective, earning reviews will become simpler. Products with more positive reviews typically see more sales, but customer feedback will also be crucial in resolving difficult day-to-day issues. For example, sellers and brands often want to change how Amazon packages products. In these cases, proof of how customers are impacted via feedback can help expedite a solution. 

If you could use the support of a strategic partner, schedule a free consultation. And as always, we’re here to answer any questions about Amazon’s Request a Review feature or anything else.

Request a Review


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