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Brand Halo Attribution
Brand Halo Attribution

As Amazon Advertising continues to develop, there are often questions about new and existing features. Brand Halo, for example, is a complex measurement. But it’s an important function that helps brands measure the widespread impact of their advertising efforts. With that said, there can be gray areas or misconceptions regarding how it’s calculated and reported. Continue reading for answers to questions about Amazon's Brand Halo attribution.

Overview of Amazon Advertising’s Sales Attribution 

Amazon’s Advertising Console, for Vendor Central brands, uses a 14-day attribution window for both search and programmatic campaigns. The attribution window represents the amount of time Amazon can assign credit for a purchase to a brand’s advertisement or campaign. 

Brand Halo also uses a 14-day window. But this measurement takes sales and attribution a step further. Brand Halo represents the influence of ads beyond the promoted ASINs. In other words, measuring Brand Halo sales can provide an understanding of how well campaigns drive sales across a brand’s entire catalog.


How are Amazon Advertising Brand Halo sales tracked on Amazon? 


Data is pulled dynamically at the beginning of each day. Attribution runs daily via metadata sync and considers an ASIN's back-end attributes. For example, the ‘Brand Name’ or ‘Brand Byline’ included on an ASINs product detail page. 

Should a brand change it’s ‘Brand Name’, Brand Halo sales will begin tracking under the new name instantly.


For clients with more than one account, could a Brand Halo sale be double-counted? Or, can an ad-attributed sale only be counted for a single account? 


Amazon Advertising does not double-count ad-attributable conversions on Amazon. Amazon Advertising’s Brand Halo sales count all or any sale from any ASIN with the same Brand Name only once, across all accounts on Amazon. This applies to both search and programmatic campaigns. 

For example, if a company has three accounts for different business divisions, a sale would only be counted as a Brand Halo sale in one of the accounts based on the last-touch attribution methodology.


How is Brand Halo affected if a company has the same Brand Name as another brand? How is it affected if my company has several independent divisions with separate Vendor Central and advertising accounts? 


Brand Halo is only counted once across all of Amazon and won’t be counted in both or several accounts. However, a Brand Halo sale could count a sale from another brand if the Brand Name is identical or for another division within the same company since Amazon uses the Brand Byline to determine if it is a Brand Halo eligible sale.


Do Brand Halo sales include sales from third-party ASINs listed under a client’s Brand Name? 


Yes. And, if a shopper makes a purchase from a third-party via the ‘Other Sellers’ link, that sale would be included in Brand Halo reporting. 

Regardless of a brand’s experience with Amazon Advertising, there are always areas that could use clarification. With the knowledge shared above, learned through Marketplace Strategy’s conversations with Account Executives, our clients have the most accurate information. We maintain an open dialogue with our contacts at Amazon Advertising to be aware of any updates or changes to reporting and attribution. This way, our clients can be confident they’re never behind or missing crucial details.

If your brand could use the support of a strategic partner, please schedule a free consultation. And, as an official Amazon Advertising Partner, we’re here to answer any questions about your brand’s Amazon Advertising strategy. 

Brand Halo Attribution


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