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According to Statista, Amazon Prime Day 2019 drove a desktop conversion rate of 13.5%. This is attractive to brands because the average conversion rate on most other e-commerce sites is around 1-2%. Brands that sell on the channel often aim to improve their Amazon conversion rates. But, it can be a complex and time-consuming task and requires specific knowledge. Continue reading for six ways to improve your Amazon conversion rate.

Amazon Conversion Rate
Amazon Conversion Rate

Optimize Your Product’s Title

A product's title is its headline and should be optimized to ensure it holds relevancy. In other words, the title should contain keywords important to consumers when scanning Amazon’s result pages. Remember not to overstuff your title and save second-tier keywords for the description.

Remember, a product’s title should be no longer than 200 characters, including spaces to avoid being cut off. When writing a product's title, consider using the brand name, product name, and other features like flavor, pack size, or color. It’s also vitally important to note only 90 characters of the title display for mobile shoppers.

Develop Conversion-Worthy Bullet Points 

The secret to an effective product description is writing easy-to-read copy. It should include all the information necessary for someone to make a purchase. This is also a section where brands can include a bit of personality in the copy. And, don't forget to keep the text under 2,000 characters. 

Bullet points are a great way to break up information and make it easier for shoppers to read quickly. Within these bullet points, call out the product's most important attributes and elaborate in one or two short sentences. 

Also, don't forget to include a call-to-action in this section. Brands can encourage shoppers to convert by including messaging like  “Add to Cart” or “Buy Now”. 

Focus on Strategic Design

Strategic design is focused on the consumer experience. When shoppers arrive at your brand’s product detail pages, they should be able to interact with high-quality images. Ensure images are at least 1,000 pixels in height or width and have zoom capabilities. 

In addition, strategic design is best used to educate shoppers. Do so by using a variety of image types in your product’s library and optimizing your brand’s A+ pages. Another opportunity to leverage strategic design is through an Amazon store if you’re brand registered. 

Focusing on creative is beneficial because 63% of consumers say images mean more than product descriptions. So when shoppers are in the consideration phase, images need to be attention-getting and explain exactly what the product is and does. 

Encourage Feedback and Capitalize on it 

Customer feedback is an influential factor in a brand’s conversion rate. Studies show, most shoppers read at least seven reviews before buying a product. When searching on Amazon, shoppers can filter results by ‘average customer review.’ As a general rule, brands should respond to feedback as soon as possible. After reviewing feedback, remember key takeaways from reviews and apply insight to your strategy moving forward.  

This trend in consumer behavior has shaped the way in which consumers shop for products online. Because of this, reviews play an important role in discoverability on Amazon. 

Invest in Advertising 

Simply selling on Amazon isn't enough anymore for brands to succeed. The channel is saturated and competition is tough. So brands that understand the value of investing in advertising likely drive more traffic and conversions. This is because of traffic being targeted through relevant keywords, categories, and audiences. 

There are several options available to brands that sell on the channel, including search and programmatic advertising. At MPS, we recommend using a healthy mix of both to achieve the best results. But it's important to understand the need to drive traffic to an optimized product detail page.

Make Sure You’re Winning the Buy Box

Competitive pricing allows sellers to win the buy box. When a seller owns the buy box they drive a significant amount of conversions across Amazon. This is because buy box ownership enables a seller's product to be chosen when a shopper clicks 'add to cart' or 'buy now'. The buy box is such an important factor in a brand's success and conversions because it accounts for almost 85% of all sales on Amazon.

Winning the buy box also allows sellers to advertise a listing. Otherwise, when a seller doesn't own the buy box, the advertisement won't run. 

To ensure your brand is winning the buy box, start by comparing competitor prices. If necessary, adjust your product's price and ensure it's still profitable. Sellers should also consider the price of their products on other channels. For example, if the product is less expensive on and, Amazon may shut off the buy box.

Improving your Amazon conversion rate involves a number of factors. Consider each tactic outlined in this post when your brand aims for a better conversion rate. Not one strategy is more influential than the other. Each work together to propel a brand toward success. 

If you could use the support of a strategic partner to improve your conversion rate, schedule a free consultation. As always, we’re here to answer any questions

Amazon Conversion Rate

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