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There are limited opportunities for branding on Amazon. Because of this, it's important for brands to customize the user experience where they can. Focusing on creative pays off because 63% of consumers say images mean more than product descriptions. While product descriptions play a crucial role in rank and discoverability on Amazon, this post is meant to help brands cater to visually-minded shoppers.
At Marketplace Strategy, we view design as a strategic discipline. It's capable of increasing conversion rates and helps to lessen negative reviews. Continue reading to learn about three ways to improve your brand's user experience on Amazon using strategic design.

Custom Product Images

People interact with product images to get a better sense of what they’re about to buy. Brands should make the most of this opportunity to influence shoppers.

Here are five ways to create a positive user experience through custom product images:

  • Main Product Image

The first image shoppers see is the product over a white background, per Amazon’s guidelines. To make the main image more appealing, brands can use icons to showcase different pack sizes. Icons give shoppers more to look at and establish a clear expectation about what they will receive.

This extra step offers a better user experience and helps increase conversions. This is especially impactful on mobile search result pages, where titles are minimized and often cut off.

  • Lifestyle Visuals

These product images don’t incorporate copy because the visuals are impactful enough on their own. Lifestyle visuals showcase products in action.

Lifestyle images help consumers envision themselves with the product. They should answer questions, increase interest, and lead to more sales.

  • Product in a Setting

These images can be used to show consumers different ways to use the product. For example, if you're selling a placemat, use it in a trendy table setting. These are simple and often include a short tagline to increase brand awareness. They’re different from a lifestyle visual because they may incorporate copy and the product often isn't the focus.

These images help to reinforce a shopper's visual interpretation with bold statements. They can be a very influential part of a brand's user experience.

  • Feature Callouts

Choose one of the images mentioned above and use text to draw attention to a specific feature. For example, feature callouts can share important information like the flavor or size range of a product.

Feature callouts save people the time they usually spend reading the product description.

user experience on Amazon

  • Typographic Image

These product images help add diversity to a product’s image library. Use appealing backgrounds that represent a product and add simple informative statements.  

Like products in a setting, typographic images give visually-minded people what they need while using text.

Custom product images are a great way to improve the experience shoppers have when they interact with your catalog. Continue reading to learn about how brands can improve user experience through A+ Pages and Enhanced Brand Content.

user experience on Amazon

A+ Pages and Enhance Brand Content

Accounts working within Vendor Central can use A+ Pages to improve brand presence and user experience on Amazon, and those in Seller Central use Enhanced Brand Content (EBC). Within A+ Pages and EBC, brands can use different forms of media to stand out among competitors and inform consumers within the From the Manufacturer section.

Shoppers scroll to these sections of product pages to look at reviews and find more information. When brands invest time and effort into A+ Pages or EBC, they can expect a sales increase between 3 and 10%.

It’s important for brands to use A+ Pages or EBC to better highlight their brand and product line. Continue reading to learn how Amazon Stores make a difference to brands and those who shop on Amazon.

Amazon Stores

Vendors, agencies, and sellers enrolled in Brand Registry can create an Amazon Store for free. Stores let brands present product lines on the platform as they would on a company website, with multiple customizable pages, navigation, and more. They're especially useful because additional insights are available through reporting that otherwise aren’t easily accessible on Amazon. These insights help brands make informed decisions and push popular products forward.

People discover brands and learn about products through stores. It’s especially important for stores to be optimized for all devices to provide the best user experience.

Although brands are limited in how they can brand themselves, it’s possible to improve user experience on Amazon with strategic design. Use these tips to take your presence on Amazon up a notch.
If your brand could use support in strategic design or reaching its full potential on Amazon, schedule a free consultation.


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