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Why Shops? 

TikTok has long been known for its discoverability, and even purchase influence, but has lacked direct attribution. TikTok Shops solves this challenge for brands.

What are TikTok Shops?

TikTok Shops enable a complete shopping journey all within the TikTok app. 

Copy of TikTok Shops

Key Features

Copy of TikTok Shops (1)


Code3 TikTok Shops Offering


We'll help you get set up for your 1st livestream & beyond, making sure you go live without a hitch & that your shop is successful

Content Creation

Shops need a long-term content strategy to survive & thrive, we're here to help you plan, activate, & engage with customers.

Shop Setup & Activation

From backend setup to shop management, we work with brands to keep their shops alive, well, & generating revenue.

Paid Amplification

Our team can help you take your shop to the next level by finding & converting new & current customers.


Interested in learning more? Contact us to talk about how we can help.



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