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If you work at an agency, chances are you're on the hunt for coworker gifts. Whether you have a secret Santa you’re stumped on or need to buy for your work bestie, we've got you covered. 

Gift-buying can be a difficult endeavor, especially when you're looking for gift ideas for coworkers. How do you pick something thoughtful, but not overly sentimental? How can you be generous and make your coworker feel appreciated without breaking the bank? 

One important thing to know about agencies is that personalities and needs vary across teams and departments. And, like nearly all gift guides, this one just might teeter on the brink of stereotyping people according to their roles. We know that not everyone will want the gift that we suggest for their job, but we do hope you are able to get some gift ideas for your coworkers from our guide. Now – o'er the guide we go, laughing all the way (in the spirit of Jingle Bells, of course). 

Agency Gift Guide

You can take ideas from this list and apply them to anyone! We hope you find this list fun and helpful. Remember, it's the thought that counts...

Account and Project Managers 

These folks are great with both details and people. Empower them to stay organized in an aesthetically pleasing way. A few ideas:

Media Planners and Buyers

What do you get for someone who gets wined, dined, and fully swagged up by all the major media companies but spends most of their time in excel, in the platforms, or staring at the computer? Something to soothe their eyes, perhaps?


Creative teams may look like they're having fun all day, but we can tell you firsthand that they know what's missing in their day. Or at least how they want to improve it. 

  • 301 Things to Draw or 301 Writing Ideas: So they can exercise their creativity outside of client deliverables. 
  • Apple Air Tags: If you know someone more preoccupied with bringing their ideas to life than, say, where they left their keys, this is the gift for them. 
  • Clear Coffee Mugs: For those who want an aesthetic as strong as their coffee. 

Channel Strategists

This is a group that likes to go deep into a topic - their expertise in Amazon marketplace, Google search, TikTok and other platforms is because of their curiosity, research, and pattern recognition. And their propensity to get a little nerdy about things...

Technology and Analytics

Do not say Rubik's cube, said every gift guide writer ever. That would be far too on the nose for our great problem solvers. Here are a few alternatives:

Any Team

The best gifts are often ones that create a moment of peace or give someone a sense of calm. Here are some ideas if you want to splurge a little. 

We believe that there really is a perfect gift out there for everyone – just like there's an ad agency to suit every brand's needs. If you want to get to know us better, reach out now. Happy shopping!



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