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For years, our clients have leaned into the power of advertising on Instagram. Especially since the platform's potential advertising reach is 1.16 billion users. And, as a strategic partner, it’s our mission to ensure Code3 clients are ahead of the curve. To do so, in part, we leverage the latest and greatest features and tactics available. For example, Instagram recently announced a new Instagram Shop placement. Here we share more information and strategic tips for brands interested in getting started with this new placement.

What to Know Before Getting Started 

In the immediate term, this impacts brands running automatic placement campaigns with website conversions, product catalog sales, and link click objectives. This placement is similar to Instagram Explore and reaches users in the Shop tab where they can browse and purchase products. 

To leverage the new Instagram Shop placement, brands must have an organic presence on the platform. On the other hand, it’s not necessary to have an Instagram Shop, although we strongly recommend setting one up. 

It’s also important to understand while this placement is relatively new, ad delivery may be slow to build. So, keep expectations realistic and remain patient. We anticipate this ad placement gaining popularity and driving notable performance sooner rather than later.

How it Works 

With IG Feed selected, advertisers can access the Instagram Shop placement via Automatic Placements or Manual Placements. For catalog-backed ads, users that click on an IG Shop Ad tile will be directed to the associated product detail page within Instagram. Alternatively, as the placement applies to non-catalog-backed ads, users that click on an IG Shop Ad tile are directed to the feed post assigned to a given ad.

Strategic Tip 

If you haven't opted into Instagram Explore, it's worth doing so as you consider Instagram Shop placements. This makes it easier for brands and advertisers to reach audiences with strong purchase intent. Not to mention, opting for more placements in an ad set or across a campaign will result in greater efficiencies.

Final Thoughts

As mentioned, we anticipate this new ad placement to be a great value add to our clients. After all, ads related to shopping are served more frequently than ads less related to shopping.  

If you’re in need of support from a strategic partner, please reach out. We’re here for you and would welcome the opportunity to discuss how we can work together and drive results for your business.

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