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As a reader of the Code3 blog, it's likely you understand the obstacles that come with forming and executing an omnichannel strategy. Although challenging and complex, it's increasingly important for businesses to prioritize. One universal hurdle brands face is understanding their performance across channels. This has always been an entangled process, it has become even more so amid the inevitable shift away from third-party cookie tracking. To overcome this, Amazon Advertising introduced Amazon Marketing Cloud earlier this year. Here we explain what you need to know and share insight into how Amazon Marketing Cloud works. 

What is Amazon Marketing Cloud? 

As defined by Amazon, Amazon Marketing Cloud is as follows: 

"Amazon Marketing Cloud is a secure, privacy-safe, and dedicated cloud-based environment in which advertisers can easily perform analytics across multiple, pseudonymized data sets to generate aggregated reports. Inputs can include an advertiser’s own data sets, as well as their Amazon Advertising campaign events, such as impressions, clicks, and conversions. AMC reports can help with campaign measurement, audience refinement, supply optimization, and more, enabling advertisers to make more informed decisions about their cross-channel marketing investments."

How Does Amazon Marketing Cloud Work 

Most advertisers are leveraging AMC to accomplish three core functions of strategy. 

  • Campaign reach and frequency 
  • Most effective marketing channels 
  • Impact across the marketing funnel 

AMC has helped Code3 understand and communicate how OTT video and display work together. In particular, how this combination of tactics increases engagement within Amazon Stores. Access to in-depth and high-quality reporting makes it easier to connect Store metrics to our client's advertising campaigns.

AMC Helps Advertisers Improve Reach and Measurement 

With the help of AMC, Code3 helps our clients reach a broader audience. Not to mention, the reporting available makes it easier for our teams to discern the impact of ad performance and optimize accordingly.

Here are a few ways our teams leverage AMC to measure the impact of off-Amazon campaigns on our clients' on-Amazon performance.  

  • Brand Preference 
  • Brand Awareness 
  • Brand Lift 
  • Impact Across Products
  • Search vs. Programmatic Behavior
  • D2C Site Performance 
  • Brick and Mortar Performance

AMC Has Two Custom Attribution Models 

When it comes to attribution, AMC has two custom attribution models. They are crucial to understanding campaign performance in-depth. 

The first option for advertisers is to change the timeframe in which ad-attributed behavior is measured. This can take place p to the current 14-day window. For example, you could look at a 1-day attribution window and compare it to the 14-day window. 

Or, you could analyze the path-to-conversion. This approach allows advertisers to understand the sequence shoppers followed beginning with initial exposure all the way through the purchase. This level of insight can help advertisers invest more strategically.

An example of this would be if a shopper is exposed to a series of ads ahead of conversion: 

OTT or Streaming TV Ad →  Sponsored Brand Ad →  DSP Retargeting Ad →  Conversion

Final Thoughts 

As of this writing, Amazon Marketing Cloud is available in beta for eligible agencies, including Code3, advertisers, and tool providers. Access is limited to North America, Europe, Japan, and Australia. If you're in need of support, or you're curious about how your brand could leverage AMC, please reach out.


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