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The strength of a brand’s presence on Amazon directly contributes to its success.  When customers shop for products they expect their experience to be easy to navigate and understand. It’s up to the brands that sell on Amazon to make that possible. To do this, brands need to optimize across the ecosystem while keeping up with Amazon’s constant updates. Continue reading to learn how to boost your brand presence on Amazon through creative optimization.

Cover All Details of Your Content and Creative Optimization

Focusing on brand presence is an important piece of establishing integrity and trust on Amazon. To do this, brands need to optimize and represent themselves with high-quality creative assets.

Here we break down key areas for creative optimization:

Product Title 

Your product’s title should be easy to read and optimized with keywords. It’s more important to incorporate a variety of keywords in a title, rather than repeating them. 

When deciding on a product title, take time to look through customer reviews. This will help identify what matters most to the customer as far as features or specs.

Below is an example of a simple, but optimized product title for Jack Link's Beef Jerky.

Creative Optimization

Bullet Points 

A product’s bullet points should explain the key features and benefits of an item. It’s also a great place to include keywords that didn’t fit in the title (but avoid repeating keywords here too.) Advertising data and reviews can be helpful to determine what to include in this section. We also recommend using all caps to call out a major highlight and going into more detail within the bullet point. 

Here’s an example of a product’s bullet points for a BigMouth Inc coffee mug.

creative optimization

Product Description 

When shoppers scroll down to a product’s description, they should find a complete overview of the item. Feel free to add more personality into this copy (opposed to the title and bullet points) since there are more characters to work with. Include features, benefits, what’s included with the product, and some information about your brand. Don’t forget to incorporate lower priority keywords that didn’t make it into the title or bullet points. 

Below is an example of a product description section for Jack Link's Beef Jerky.

Amazon Product Description

Product Images

According to Amazon, 90% of shoppers click through every image in the product library for the product they ultimately buy. So, it's important to include a variety of images in a product's library to tell the full story of an item. 

Amazon includes click-through and conversion rates of these images into their ranking algorithm. Visually attractive listings yield higher click-through rates and improve the product’s rank. We recommend placing a priority on the quality of the images used to represent a product.

A+ Pages and Enhanced Brand Content

Sales can increase for products using A+ Pages (Vendor Central) and Enhanced Brand Content (Seller Central) by 3-10%, according to Amazon. A direct link to increased sales makes these creative assets crucial to a brand’s strategy. They bring attention to the best features of the brand, products, and catalog.

When creating either an A+ Page or Enhanced Brand Content, we recommend the following three guidelines:

  1. Make sure content is highly visual 
  2. Be direct and consistent 
  3. Use charts to cross-sell related products 

Amazon Stores 

Amazon has begun placing a greater emphasis on stores in an effort to improve the customer experience. According to Amazon Advertising, stores should, “Bring the in-store experience online with a custom brand destination on” Stores also improve brand potential in a variety of ways

It’s important to submit your store with plenty of time to troubleshoot. We recommend mirroring your brand’s online presence when designing your Amazon Store. Think of how your brand’s website looks and how it’s represented on social media. After your store is up and running, additional metrics will become available to help form your strategy. 

Remember to Optimize for Mobile Brand Presence

A brand’s presence and the mobile experience they offer to customers go hand in hand. An estimated 68% of e-commerce traffic was driven through a mobile device during the 2018 holiday season. This statistic helps to reinforce the importance of a brand’s mobile strategy. A poor mobile experience has also been reported as a cause for 40% of shoppers to choose a competitor. 

When using the information above to optimize, make sure your products are fit for any screen and provide a browsable experience. When shoppers use a mobile device to look for products on Amazon, they have to do extra scrolling and expand sections to find more information. 

This requires brands to place an increased focus on the keywords that drive results. Long titles and paragraphs for descriptions don’t convert well on mobile. Let the importance of mobile be a reminder to keep titles balanced and easy to read, and highlight features through bullet points.

When it comes to your A+ Pages or Enhanced Brand Content, shoppers won’t have to click to expand. Take advantage of a more captive audience and provide them with exactly what they need to make a purchase decision at first glance.

There are many different elements across the platform that play a role in representing your brand. At times it can be difficult to decide where to direct your focus first. Make sure your brand is putting its best foot forward in representing itself on Amazon. We’re here to help and answer any questions about creative optimization and Amazon, as always.


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