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At first glance, it’s easy to assume product ratings are a strict representation of how good a product is. But, they are much more than that; especially to brands that sell their products on e-commerce sites like Amazon. Studies show, most shoppers read at least seven reviews before buying a product. Continue reading to gain a deeper understanding of Amazon’s Product Ratings and why they matter to your brand’s presence.

What is an Amazon Product Rating?

Each product on the channel has an Amazon Product Rating tied to it. These ratings are represented by up to five stars. They’re a useful guide for consumers to understand the quality of the product. The stars essentially communicate how the majority of consumers approve or disapprove of their purchase experience. 

How is an Amazon Product Rating Calculated? 

On the technical side of things, an Amazon Product Rating is more than just a simple average. In 2015, Amazon began weighting star ratings with a proprietary machine-learning model. Since this technology is exclusive to Amazon, the exact formula in which ratings are calculated isn’t known to the public. 

Why Does this Rating Matter to Your Brand’s Catalog? 

Even though the science behind getting five-stars for your products is unclear, it’s still the goal for many brands. It makes your products look strong to consumers and Amazon. Below we outline some of the key implications of a product’s rating on Amazon. 

  • SEO 

Positive product reviews do contribute to a higher Amazon Product Ranking. Products with more positive feedback usually receive a higher click rate, more traffic, and an improved conversion rate. As a result, these products receive a boost in Amazon’s search results. For example, a product selling well on its own without reviews could be found on the fifth page of Amazon’s search results. But, when it begins to collect positive reviews, it will likely make its way to one of the first pages of results. 

  • Conversion Rate

Shoppers are more inclined to buy a product when they are confident in what they will receive. That’s why unbiased information from other customers helps shoppers make a decision. With that said, a lot of positive reviews will help conversion rates, and negative reviews will hurt conversion rates. 

  • Strategic Insight 

Reviews and customer feedback allow brands to better understand things like overall experience, consumer demand, and interest. This information allows brands to make any necessary changes to make sure new and existing customers are happy.  

Maintain Your Product Rating Credibility 

While it’s usually important for brands to have the highest ratings possible, it isn’t always the case. Some less credible brands that find themselves with low ratings go the extra mile to skew them with faulty reviews. Stand apart and maintain credibility through your brand’s ratings and reviews. Even if a product in your catalog receives a negative review, don’t delete it. Respond in a professional and timely manner to make a difference. This will help your brand will appeal to the customer and remain on good terms with Amazon.

Although the calculation behind an Amazon Product Rating is unclear, the importance of these stars and how brands manage them is not. Consider the implications these ratings have on your brand’s Amazon presence as you develop and execute your strategy. If your brand could use support from a strategic partner, schedule a free consultation. And as always, we’re here to answer any questions

Amazon Product Rating


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