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Adjusting Product Detail Pages
Adjusting Product Detail Pages

There's often an opportunity to adjust product detail pages to more easily convert shoppers during Q4. With this, many brands revisit their presence on Amazon and other marketplaces before the holidays. However, reoptimizing likely looks different this year. Rather than gift-giving and seasonality at the forefront, coronavirus has caused brands to reoptimize for a global pandemic. 

To support our clients, MPS strategists have worked to swiftly create innovative strategies. In part, leveraging high-ranking and relevant keywords has been crucial. Continue reading to learn how brands can overcome challenges and capitalize on peak time periods during 2020. 

Content Writing Strategies in 2020

As mentioned, the pandemic created an immediate need for many clients to adjust. For example, brands selling lunch boxes had to find ways to remain relevant as shoppers sheltered in place. And those in the office supplies category were required to shift messaging to appeal to home office needs. 

Both Prime Day and the holiday season are fast approaching and close in proximity. To prepare, MPS is supporting clients by adjusting product detail pages and ensuring brand stores are ready. This year, messaging will still include language about deals, steals, and holiday cheer. But, in addition, images and keywords will position products as a fit for at-home activities and a quarantine lifestyle. 

What to Keep in Mind to Avoid Suppression

When adjusting product detail pages or updating a brand store, sales terminology matters. To avoid having products suppressed, following Amazon’s guidelines are important. 

Some do’s and don’ts worth noting: 

  • Restricted: Featuring deals/sales/pricing information in imagery is highly restricted by Amazon.

  • Allowed: Terminology that has historically been accepted in stores include "marked down" or "markdowns."

Store Changes Made Easier with 'Versions'

Although it can be an overwhelming thought to revamp an entire store on Amazon, there is a feature that can help. With 'versions', brands can create new versions, or multiple versions, of a store to go live during designated time frames. 

This feature will be especially useful this year as the window between Prime Day and the Black Friday and Cyber Monday weekend is short. 'Versions' will allow brands to focus on different featured deals and priority products during each event with ease. 

Final Thoughts 

Aside from relevancy during a pandemic, tailoring content and creative to a season or event is beneficial for several reasons. Not only does it set brands apart from their competitors, but it helps build a relationship with shoppers. Besides stating why a product is a perfect gift, this extra effort shows consumers the brand behind the product is worthy of their purchase. 

If you could use the support of a strategic partner, schedule a free consultation. We're here to answer any questions and help your brand make the most of Q4.

 Adjust Product Detail Pages


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