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If your 2021 marketing plan doesn't include Twitter advertising, it's time to go back to the drawing board. Too often, brands omit Twitter from their lists of media channels in favor of newer, shinier platforms like Instagram, Tiktok, and even Clubhouse. The issue with this approach? You'll miss out on a receptive, high-quality audience you won't necessarily be able to reach through other channels. Review these three key reasons why Twitter belongs in your marketing plan for the coming quarter.

Reach an engaged audience

Social media management platform Hootsuite reports that in 2021, Twitter has 187 million daily active users and provides an estimated ad reach of 353 million. But, as every marketer knows, engagement is about more than just numbers. Twitter users push the envelope, setting the cultural barometer and bringing brands along for the ride. You'll find that the trends, movements, and memes that matter most come from that little blue bird. 

According to Kelly Falvey, Team Lead, Account Management, at Code3, “Twitter is where our clients’ customers go to discover what’s happening and engage with current events. Twitter offers unique targeting capabilities to reach users talking about certain topics and events which gives brands an opportunity to connect with specific and receptive audiences. If brands are authentic and relevant, I have seen them start trending and build favorability and intent to purchase."

Connect in real-time

According to Twitter, its users spend 26% more time viewing ads than users of other channels do, so you shouldn't have any problem breaking through the noise. With the fastest news cycle and activation speed of any widely used social platform, Twitter Ads offer companies the ability to capitalize on the current conversation. We encourage our clients to take advantage of the platform’s tools to target users at the conversation level and jump in on the flurry of organic activity. 

Harness platform-level purchase power

In-platform purchases are the wave of the future, and Twitter is no exception with its Direct Response feature. Ads users can promote products available exclusively through this pipeline for instant ROI. In fact, Twitter reports that 53% of its users qualify as “early adopters,” the group of consumers most likely to try out new products on the market. 

For best results when tweaking your Twitter strategy, make sure each campaign contains a mix of at least three different creative ad formats along with a few crafty Tweets. At Code3, we've found this approach increases the reader's intent to purchase by 7% and awareness of the brand's campaign by 20%. 

Need more digital marketing advice? We're ready to help you create initiatives that meet and exceed your objectives. Schedule your consultation today to discuss your needs and learn more about the power of our proprietary three-tier approach.

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